Um vom Tagebuch des Teams zur Spielerliste zu gelangen, wählen Sie die folgenden Elemente im linken Menü diary players squad. Wenn Sie darauf klicken, werden Sie zur Spielerliste weitergeleitet.
The squad page has several important functions in the system. Here you find the summary statistics of the players' participation in the matches. Moreover, you find a seasonal summary of the player's attendance. Here you also see the player's birthday date and profile photo.
Here you also have the possibility to set the number on the player's jersey (first column), to assign the player to a training subgroup (second column), as well as to set his default position on the pitch. In the last column you will find an icon that opens the function menu for the chosen player. Remember to save each change by clicking the "Save" button.
In the top right corner of the screen you will find two important elements. The first one - the "show hidden" checkbox is used to display all players hidden during the season. You can read about hiding and removing players in the next chapters of the guidebook..
Das zweite Element ist das Symbol für den Export der Tabelle in eine xls-, csv- oder pdf-Datei oder deren Ausdruck. Sie finden ein solches Symbol über fast allen Tabellen im System. Es ist eine schnelle und bequeme Lösung für das Problem des Herunterladens wichtiger Daten auf Ihren Computer.